Carrier Activity
International carrier activities include taking immediate movement of goods from one country to another and according to the contract of carriage to carry through.
A) tasks carrier
1.Transportation contracts and issuing waybill
2.Preparation of documents for travel, such as TIR Carnet, Carnet two passages, Dvzblagh, visa, insurance, Certificate and …
3.Deposit guarantees necessary letters to the relevant authorities to obtain necessary documents.
4.Supply trucks for transportation according to the deadline in the contract.
5.Delivery of goods from the sender or forwarder and monitor the implementation of the contents of the shipping documents with the cargo loading trucks.
6.Commodity documents related to the customs authorities from origin to destination through a healthy self-care and keep the customs seal.
7.Delivery of goods to the recipient in places determined by the customs authorities be allowed.
8.Observe the specified route and duration of transit cargo customs authorities be determined.
9.Observe the route and duration of transport of goods according to the contract of carriage.
10.Discharge or discharge monitoring and counting, adding and subtracting the product and sign documents injury.
11.Precision cargo delivery to and the corresponding certificates.
B) Responsibilities
1.Carriage and driver to stop and other accrued rights
2.All accept responsibility mentioned in the Convention M.R. The loss, delay or damage to the product and commitment to the agreed compensation or the Convention.
3.Care approved by the customs authorities of the counterfoil of the TIR Carnet TIR Carnet Half way between the destination and the extradition of the Chamber of Commerce, Industries and Mines at the deadline.
4.Observe all instructions in relation to the carrier byelaw that is approved by the competent authorities.
5.Knowledge of regulations concerning truck traffic in the countries of the track and announce their drivers.
6.Driving instruction for proper implementation of the international transport of goods on the basis of guidelines issued.
7.In cases where the relevant Annexes to carry goods to Sahabat TIR Carnet TR 7. accept all responsibility in accordance with the Convention.
8.Carrier companies also pick the good care and driver behavior and other relevant factors as far Abuse establish the necessary cooperation with organizations and institutions and persons concerned to take legal action if necessary, the above-mentioned factors.