Water transport (Transshipment):
The method is international trade and movement of goods and also because of their high cost is one of the best methods of transport.
Types of ships:
A) The following types of ships for the route to be classified;
1) Liner vessels (regular lines): these ships along certain lines and with certain programs work.
2) ships Trump (irregular lines): These ships do not operate in certain lines and cargo to any point where the product owner wants to carry.
B) ships of different types of construction can be classified into the following types;
1) ships carrying general goods (general cargo): these ships, which have been built to transport various goods can be used, as usual in these ships, goods are shipped packed.
A) ships (HANDY SIZE) with a loading capacity of 10,000 to 35,000 tons
B) ships (HANDY MAX) with a loading capacity of 35,000 to 50,000 tons
C) ships (PANAMAX) has a maximum loading capacity tonnage are defined, because the size of these ships are Azhdaksr size that can pass through the Panama Canal.
D) ships (CAPESIZE) of these ships, because too big, not able to cross the Panama Canal from the Atlantic to the Pacific crossing have to pass Cape Horn, in southern Chile, the dominant commodity The ship a coal or iron ore is shipped.
2) bulk carrier vessels for design of this type so that ships can only carry one or two types of cargo, such as special vessels carrying sugar or wheat or minerals.
3) ships (O.B.O): These ships can carry several types of cargo; the purpose of them is to be unloaded return journey. The ship types, including bulk shipments of oil, ore and carry.
4) Oil tanker ships: the ships built to carry oil and petroleum cargoes and speed in loading and unloading ships due to the use of the pumps is faster than other ships.
Special floating tanker is designed to carry large amounts of oil. There are generally two types of oil tankers, crude oil tankers and oil products tanker.
From the deck of the ship is covered pipes and pumps for transporting crude oil. The new vessel has a special coating to prevent leakage of oil into the sea. The tanker capacity and size vary, but some have defined for their classification, which is divided by crude oil capacity.
Discharge and loading of oil tankers with powerful pumps is carried out. To install these pumps a separate location other than the location of the tanks and the engine room is intended. Pumps are usually in a room with that name. Hull tankers built before 1984 are not double glazed. But the law that was passed in 1984, all tankers that have been recently been required to have a double hull.
With the increasing extraction of oil and the need for industrialized countries, the development of the shipbuilding industry to the point where in the early seventies (1970s) in Japan to build tankers with a capacity of 500/000 tonnes and now the statistics figures provided the highest percentage of maritime transport tanker into account. Tankers usually have small cranes that will lift the terminal pipes and tubes connected to their ship. General merchandise tanker ships is less than the number of employees, but the mechanical devices used for washing and cleaning warehouses. Loading and unloading of crude oil by pumps installed on the deck or platform pumps done loading.
5) vessels (RO-RO): The ship is equipped with a special platform at the front or the back or side and called RAMP transportation vehicles (carrying cargo or passengers) are used, these ships have classes.
6) container ships: the ships for the transportation of container cargoes have been made with packaging, ease of loading and transport containers is an important advantage.
The definition of steel or aluminum containers for various cargo in standard form to be used.
Advantages: easy transport by container, the product is provided to protect, economically affordable and can be used with any of the vehicles, including ship, truck or rail to be.
7) The new multi-purpose vessels (MULTIPURPOSE): The ship according to flattened barns and equipment that are capable of loading and transportation of bulk goods, general merchandise, automotive and container requirements.